Wednesday, October 24, 2018

MKT600 Marketing Assessment 1: Research Case Study Report

MKT600 Marketing 
Assessment 1: Research Case Study Report 
Up to 2500 words 
Learning Outcomes 
This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: 
a) Identify and evaluate key theories and principles of 
practical marketing strategies 
b) Critically evaluate client needs with regard to the 
creation of value for the organisation 
c) Critically evaluate the impact of the application of the 
marketing mix to the target market 
Due 23:59 (AEST/AEDT) Friday end of Module 3 (week 6) 
Total Marks 
40 marks 
• To enhance a clear understanding of the importance of marketing in modern business and to provide a grasp of effective contemporary marketing practices; 
• To provide a theoretical overview of marketing theory and practical application of innovative marketing strategies; 
• To critically analyse all relevant factors affecting the exchange process. 
How the assessment fits into the subject/course: st 
Marketing in the 21 Century has drastically evolved and is a critical component of business administration. The design of marketing plans is integral to business organisation and the assessment for this subject aims to provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge of developing effective marketing strategies. This assessment requires the students to analyse market trends before developing a marketing strategy. There is a short scenario for 
students to address the assessment tasks. 
MKT600_Assessment 1_Case Study Report Page 1 of 6 Linkages between Assessments 1 and 2: 
Assessment 1 requires students to create a case study and review marketing plans. Specifically, assessment 1 requires students to establish the context through analysing market trends. Assessment 2 requires students to devise a marketing plan of products or services offered by their own organisation and to consider how the marketing plan will add value to their organisation. 
This assessment task requires you to develop a Marketing Environmental Analysis. A Marketing Environmental Analysis of the microenvironment and macro environment is key to understanding the possible impact of any external local, national or international factors on a small business. These factors tend to be outside a business owner’s direct control, however, as you have seen, business and marketing strategies can be modified to take advantage of the opportunities they present while also minimising any potential threats. 
Therefore, in this assessment task you will need to: 
• Demonstrate your learning about marketing concepts and principles covered so far and allow yourself to demonstrate your level of understanding of them. 
• Analyse the link between marketing practice and marketing theory 
• Demonstrate research skills to reveal the insights 
• Apply appropriate business report writing skills 
• Use the appropriate citation of references and a reference list in your written work. It is essential that you use the appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here: 
• Practise aligning strategies to your market analysis 
Choose any small business wanting to either expand through a new product development or a new market entry (locally and/or internationally) 
1. Discuss the buyer behaviour in relation to your chosen business 
2. Analyse the microenvironment (the relevant publics, the suppliers and the marketing 
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3. Summarise the likely competitors, what they offer and who they seem to target 
4. Analyse the macro environment. What are the society-wide influences on chocolate products? Are there demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, or cultural trends that will affect the business? 
Note: Take the time to find good quality references to support your ideas, suggestions and explanations using marketing theory in your report. Use headings/sub-headings, as you must write a formal document. 
Submission Instructions: 
Submit your assessment via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MKT600 by the end of Module 3. 
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Learning Rubric: Assessment 1 
Fail (Unacceptable) 
Credit Distinction 
High Distinction 
50-64% (Proficient) 
(Advanced) 75 -84% (Exceptional) 
65-74% 85-100% 
Evaluation of Limited understanding of Resembles a recall or Supports personal opinion Discriminates between Systematically and critically 
information selected key concepts required to summary of key ideas. and information assertion of personal discriminates between 
to support the case support discussion substantiated by evidence opinion and information assertion of personal 
study Often conflates/confuses from the research/course substantiated by robust opinion and information 
Confuses logic and assertion of personal materials. evidence from the substantiated by robust 
15% emotion. Information opinion with information research/course materials evidence from the 
taken from reliable substantiated by evidence Information is taken from 15+ and extended reading. research/course materials 
sources but without a from the research/course sources with a demonstrates and extended reading. 
coherent analysis or materials. a capacity to explain and Information is taken from 
synthesis. apply relevant concepts. 20+ sources with a well- Information is taken from 
Analysis and evaluation do demonstrated capacity to 30+ sources with a high 
Viewpoints of experts are not reflect expert Identify logical flaws. explain and apply relevant level of 
taken as fact with little judgement, intellectual concepts. interpretation/evaluation 
questioning. independence, rigor and Questions viewpoints of to develop a 
adaptability. experts. Viewpoint of experts are comprehensive critical 
subject to questioning. analysis or synthesis. 
Analysis and evaluation Identifies gaps in 
reflect growing judgement, knowledge. 
intellectual independence, rigor and adaptability. 
Exhibits intellectual independence, rigor, good 
judgement and adaptability. 
Effective Difficult to understand for Information, arguments and Information, arguments and Information, arguments and Expertly presented; the 
Communication audience, no logical/clear evidence are presented in a evidence are well presented, evidence are very well report is logical, persuasive, 
structure, poor flow of way that is not always clear mostly clear flow of ideas and presented; the report is and well supported by 
20% ideas, argument lacks and logical. arguments. logical, clear and well evidence, demonstrating a 
supporting evidence. supported by evidence. 
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Line of reasoning is often Line of reasoning is easy to clear flow of ideas and 
Audience cannot difficult to follow. follow. Demonstrates cultural arguments. 
follow the line of sensitivity. 
reasoning. Demonstrates use of Demonstrates use of high Demonstrates use of good Engages and sustains 
credible and relevant quality, credible and relevant quality, credible and audience’s interest in the 
Demonstrates resources to support and resources to support and relevant resources to topic, demonstrates high 
inconsistent use of develop ideas, but these develop ideas. support and develop levels of cultural sensitivity 
good quality, credible are not always explicit or arguments and statements. 
and relevant resources well developed. Shows evidence of wide Demonstrates use of high- 
to support and develop scope within the quality, credible and 
ideas. organisation for sourcing relevant resources to 
evidence. support and develop 
arguments and position 
statements. Shows 
evidence of wide scope 
within and without the 
organisation for sourcing 
Effective use of diverse 
presentation aids, including 
graphics and multi-media. 
Critically evaluates Does not display an Some relevant Relevant suppliers, Thorough review of Systematically and 
client needs with understanding of the suppliers, intermediaries and relevant suppliers, critically reviews 
regard to Microenvironment intermediaries and publics are mostly intermediaries and relevant suppliers, 
Microenvironment actors – Suppliers, 
intermediaries, publics 
(intermediaries, suppliers, publics). 
publics are identified. 
Some potential 
Potential challenges are 
Good discussion of 
intermediaries and publics. 
Sensible challenges challenges are mostly identified. potential challenges, Systematically and 
are not presented. identified. supported by sound critically discusses 
20% arguments and/or potential challenges, 
good sources. supported by sound 
MKT600_Assessment 1_Case Study Report Page 5 of 6 
arguments and/or good sources. 
Critically evaluates Superficial review A satisfactory range of A good range of direct Thorough research Critically researches 
client needs with of competitors. direct and indirect and indirect competitors into a range of direct into a range of the 
regard to 
competitors is is described. and indirect most important direct 
Microenvironment No or little described. 
competitors. and indirect 
actors – Competitors and customer behaviour 
consideration of indirect competitors. 
Satisfactory discussion of buyer behaviour. Good discussion of 
buyer behaviour. 
Thorough discussion of related buyer competitors. 
Critical discussion of 
behaviour. related buyer 
Does not relate discussion to buyer behaviour. 
Critically evaluates Discussion is not Some relevant macro- Mostly relevant macro- Good discussion of Critically discusses 
client needs with relevant to client environmental factors environmental factors trends and events in trends and events in the 
regard to Macro needs - superficial or discussed discussed demonstrating a the macro-environment macro-environment that 
general discussion of demonstrating some good understanding of the that are relevant to are relevant to the clients 
macro- environmental understanding of the concepts covered. concepts covered. 
client needs and are mostly supported by needs. Discussions are supported by the 
Does not show understanding of relevant concepts. 
the concepts covered. . 
concepts covered. 

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